Sunday, May 22, 2011

Review: Doppelgangers by Weslie Jensen

Author: Weslie Jensen
Published: May 9, 2011
Rating: 5 STARS!

In a nightmarish world lies an enrapturing tale of Princess Scarlet, whose kingdom, Aereath, is in the midst of a war with legendary monsters known as Doppelgangers--beings that take form of a living person. On the day of coronation, Aereath is ambushed and Scarlet disappears.

Five years later, Scarlet lives in Chicago with no memory of her dark past. But when a mysterious figure appears she must decide whether to remain where she is and put everyone she cares for in danger, or leave and embark on a perilous adventure as a Doppelgangers Hunter that can never be forgotten or escaped.

Cover by Magy Curiel description

This book is definitely an interesting one. The writing is often very . . . fairy tale-ish. Which is appropriate because it's about a princess. Something else that's different than usual books that I read is that the characters in this book are extremely cartoonish and I kept thinking that this needs to be a manga. The characters are very exaggerated and fun which, surprisingly didn't annoy me. The main character, Scarlet, is a very determined character that I couldn't help but love even though some of the things she did I didn't agree with. And Shiloh gives me butterflies every time he appears. Weslie Jensen did a great job at creating all of these very unique characters and making me feel something when they each appeared. I am dying to read the next book in the series and find out what happens!

This book is still very raw, by that I mean there are a lot of typos and missing words and added words. I'm not going to sugar coat that. If you're an extremely fast reader you might miss some things; nothing important, I think. I would recommend this to any YA, fantasy readers willing to try something a bit different.

There are three parts to this book and each part was like a brand new story for me, so it was hard to choose just one song to represent this one. Thankfully, I have an amazing friend, Magy Curiel--the artist of the beautiful cover for this book--who has known this book since this book was in its diaper days and had a great idea for a song.

Theme Song: Your Man - Down With Webster

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